intro KQ

Evolve your hiring process with an innovative top-of-funnel assessment that reimagines the concept of screening and elevates the quality, efficiency, and equity of your technical hiring.

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break the cycle KQ Yellow

Resume screens and other keyword-based tools perpetuate pedigree bias by automatically filtering out applicants who didn't attend the "right" schools or work for the "right" companies.

With Karat Qualify, you can shift the focus from exclusion to inclusion by giving every applicant an opportunity to showcase their abilities. This empowers your team to find the best talent, not just the best resumes.


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delight candidates

For years, code tests have been a major frustration for both recruiting teams and candidates — leading to low completion rates and lackluster hiring signal. 

Karat Qualify is distinctly not a code test. Rather, our leading adaptive assessment technology provides an exceptional experience that accurately and succinctly evaluates real-world engineering skills while ensuring applicants stay engaged.

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Karat Qualify is a 15-question adaptive exercise that effortlessly assesses technical knowledge & comprehension across your entire applicant pool

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  • On-demand, self-administered, multiple-choice format that allows for distribution at scale & low-stress participation

  • Research-backed content tailored to a particular technology, language, or area of “real world” engineering knowledge

  • Leading adaptive assessment technology — similar to the GMAT & GRE — that generates a strong signal in a concise period 

  • Immediate, proven results that enable teams to rapidly & confidently advance the right applicants
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Karat's Hiring Suite provides seamless support from application to final interview


Uncover & accelerate top tech talent with Brilliant Black Minds


Evolve your top-of-funnel evaluation process with Karat Qualify


Generate a superior signal on technical skill with Karat Interview


Learn & improve with unrivaled data from Karat’s Hiring Insights

hire with confidence

Want to learn more about Karat and how we can help transform your technical hiring? Fill out the form to get connected!