End-of-Summer Special Promotion

10 Free Interviews Upon Sign-Up with Karat

  • Identify top engineering talent efficiently, effectively, and equitably with a signal you can trust.
  • First 10 interviews FREE when you sign-up with Karat.
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* Limited-time offer. Terms apply. Fill out the form for more details.
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Hiring engineers is complicated. Karat is here to help. 

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3x Improvement in onsite-to-offer ratio

Using our database of over 300k interviews and 30M unique data points, we’ve developed an effective hiring process to provide the highest quality signal for our clients.


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50% Acceleration in time to fill

We understand that faster interview processes drive more effective hiring outcomes, so we allow candidates to interview 24/7 and we return interview results within 3 hours.


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27% More top engineers hired

We’ve done the research, and we know how to identify top talent. Our interviews use competency models formed through a comprehensive study on the skills needed to succeed in varying roles and levels.


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600k+ Hours of engineering time saved

Karat interviews save on average 2 hours of valuable engineering time for our clients. Our team does the interviewing, so our clients can focus on what is most important to their business.


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4.5/5 Candidate experience rating

Karat’s unrivaled candidate experience offers a flexible and consistent experience for all candidates. Our human-led interviews are conducted by 1300+ experienced and trained interview engineers across the globe.